Currency Server Features
Features include:
- Support for a wide and diverse set of exchange rate
data formats, protocols and providers (both subscription-based
and free services), plus plug-in filters (sample source
code included) to handle custom formats.
- User-friendly configuration through
Currency Server
- COM interface, implemented as a high
performance in-process server, includes both 32-bit and
64-bit code, provides currency functionality to local
and remote (DCOM-enabled) clients.
- .NET interface, written in managed C++ (not a re-wrapped
COM component), for both local and remote clients on the
.NET platform for XML web services.
- SOAP interface provides XML-based currency
functionality to local and remote clients on any
- JavaScript interface for lightweight and
compatible Ajax-like web integration
(convert-as-you-type fields,
widgets, etc.) Script,
code and
currency properties can be regenerated as a single
file when rates are updated, for a stand-alone
experience that is fast, cacheable and free of
third-party dependencies.
- The three access interfaces with local and remote
support provide support for virtually unlimited
programming environments (C, C++, C#, ASP.NET, ASP,
Visual Basic, VBS, SQL, Excel, CORBA, Java,
JavaScript/ECMAScript/JScript, Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP,
AppleScript, etc.)
- Collection of exchange rate data can be invoked manually,
via script or batch file, or through built-in or system
- Enterprise Edition supports simultaneous data
collection from multiple FX feeds
(for data aggregation, failover, cross-checks, etc.)
- FX feed filters include ready-to-run modules, sample
customizable plugins and an XPath-enabled universal XML data source
plugin (to easily support new providers without changes
to the software).
- Output formats not only include XML, JavaScript,
CSV, TSV, INI and other formats with several options,
but also make it possible to emulate third-party feed
formats for customers who need to replace legacy feeds
without rewriting their own code.
- Notifies administrators in case of unusual exchange
rate fluctuations, lack of updates, software
responsiveness and other issues relating
to the connection or to the contents of the remote data
(alerts via application log entries, on-screen information,
SMTP engine and Windows messaging, e.g. email, pager, etc.)
- One-click resume in case an FX feed is discontinued
or becomes unavailable (FX feed may be changed at any
time while retaining settings, code and all other work).
- Caches the currency data and keeps satisfying client
requests even when the remote exchange rate data is unavailable
or corrupt. This is also true for the JavaScript code
which may be generated by Currency Server, which is
self-contained and independent (no need to load external
XML or JSON data, etc.)
- Optimized for performance. Individual client requests
never cause unnecessary network or file accesses, but rather
are satisfied accessing cached data, which is refreshed
by a separate task. Benchmarks using the Automation interface
resulted in the completion of more than 6000 exchange
rate conversion requests per second per GHz per core (benchmarked
on x86 Windows with IIS running).
- Supports different types of data download (for exchange
rate updates) and upload (for posts) protocols (FTP,
WebDAV, file write, etc.), firewalls, proxy servers and network authentication
systems (Windows NT Challenge/Response, etc.)
- Monitors the status of the European Economic and Monetary
Union as well as other similar institutions which may exist
in the future, and deals with currencies joining it, becoming
a sub-unit of another currency, being replaced by it, and even the unlikely possibility of a region abandoning
an existing monetary union. Takes automatic actions and
issues helpful information messages to administrators.
- Knows how to properly triangulate and round to, from
and between past and future euro currencies, as required
by European Commission and local consumer protection regulations.
- Rounding options can be manually changed for each currency.
- Internationalization features (Unicode support, multi-language
currency names, symbols, formats, etc.)
- Designed and independently
verified for 24x7 servers or workstations based on
Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows
2000 (runs as a service,
installation does usually not require reboot, etc.).
Also runs on Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and
with limited support on Windows NT 4.0 SP6. (See
System Requirements for
more details.)
- Easy integration with existing Quality Management
System and Euro Changeover procedures,
with documented roles and tasks.
- Backed by 10 years of experience, improvements and
- Everything included in the Enterprise Edition, or simple activation of
Standard Edition add-ons from the Software
tab in Currency Server Manager
Competitive Advantages
Benefits include:
- Ever wondered where other tools get their exchange rate
data? Is the data "official"?
Does it require a subscription? Will the data always be
available when you need it, or are you introducing a new
single point of failure in your system? Currency Server
supports free data provided by the Currency System
platform, as well as your
preferred provider of exchange
rate data, and allows you to select a different provider
with one click of the mouse. We will even work to support
any provider of your choice, if we don't already support
their data feeds.
- Built-in support for past and future
euro currencies
(a currency has joined the EMU
or has been replaced by the euro and your are still waiting
for some developers to change their code?)
- Mature and refined user interface and documentation.
Currency Server is easier to deploy and easier to use than
other tools, and was designed to make your life as an administrator
easier, not more difficult.
- Advanced administration, monitoring and notification
features (issues like the FX feed unavailability,
even if rare, may occur from time to time, and you quickly
appreciate a piece of software that emails or pages you
saying "There was a problem with the data source, but your
ecommerce site is still running just fine.")
- COM, .NET and SOAP Web service and
JavaScript interfaces
(you never know how your needs may change in the future).
- Friendly support and development team who will assist
you (standard support is free) and work with you
to implement new features in case of need.
- Helps increase your sales while reducing your
clients comparing the TCO of different tools and options
especially appreciated the fact that Currency Server was
easier to deploy and maintain, actually reduced problem
and support cases, included support for future euro currencies,
and offered a choice of both free and subscription-based
- > more
Additional Information
For additional information you may want to refer to: