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Currency System :: Calculators ::WorldCalc
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WorldCalc Vertical, by CloantoWorldCalc is a calculator package featuring currency conversion functionality. The free version of WorldCalc displays an advertising banner on the skin. WorldCalc is an example of what can be achieved with the customization options of the calculator and currency conversion engine.

WorldCalc can be registered by purchasing a license key. Registration removes all advertising-related functionality, including the banner on the skin. The registered version of WorldCalc can use all SkinCalc skins which support the selection of different units. Skins without units can also be used, in which case no currency functionality is provided. The unregistered version of WorldCalc can only use banner-enabled skins.

Supported banner formats include GIF, JPEG and Flash. New banners are downloaded from the advertising service provider during connections to the exchange rate data feed, which is powered by Currency Server. Per-click reporting to the advertising service provider occurs when a banner is clicked. If the advertising service provider requests cookie functionality, and such functionality is enabled on the system on which the software runs, then cookie functionality is provided by WorldCalc. No other advertising-related connections are made, and no other data is sent to the advertising service provider.

WorldCalc Horizontal, by CloantoCustom Licenses and Versions

If you are interested in a custom version of the software, in a site license, or in advertising options, please contact Sales.

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