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Custom Calculators

Cloanto has not only been pioneering the development of customizable calculator client applications for Microsoft Windows systems since 1998, but its SkinCalc calculator software and skin add-ons, which have a dedicated website at, are among the most popular downloads in this field.

The integration of powerful currency-related features into the calculator makes it possible to deliver value-added services, which can also take advantage of frequent connections from the client to the server to fetch up-to-date exchange rate data.

WorldCalc and Euro Calculator are only examples of the flexibility, diversity and services which you can tap into for your own needs. After giving a look at these useful tools, imagine being able to create and redistribute customized versions, with the look and feel, functionality and even the name of the software which suits you best.

For Your Organization

Application and deployment scenarios include:

  • Custom calculator for internal use, optionally connecting to an intranet exchange rate data feed, with central administration.
  • A free tool for your customers. Offer the calculator as a gift to customers or website visitors. The software can be offered for download, or distributed on CD or other medium (it even runs from CD, without installation).
  • A free value-added service for your customers. Use the calculator as the client of an exchange rate data feed service managed by yourself and offered exclusively to your clients.
  • Stay in touch with your customers. By providing a currency data feed you can include banners and other information which is fetched together with the daily exchange rates.

For Your Clients

As a designer or agency, you can expand your offering with the synergic combination of a tool, service and medium:

  • When you design a website you can design a matching calculator (same graphics, logo, etc.) to be offered as a free downloadable bonus.
  • Additional customized skins can be offered for download via the same website, introducing a new element of interest.
  • The calculator survives the occasional visits to the website from which it was downloaded, becoming a permanent extension of the site on the end user's computer (objects such as Desktop and Start Menu links and notification area icons are sometimes referred to as "Desktop real estate").
  • By introducing a one-click link back to the website, the calculator narrows the distance between the site and the end user.
  • When used to offer a service (i.e. exchange rate data) which requires daily updates, the calculator can become an active communications medium, conveying a message (text or banner on skin) together with each update.
  • A new GIF, JPEG or Flash banner can be transmitted with each exchange rate data update. Alternatively, permanent GIF, JPEG or Flash content can be embedded in the calculator skin. If the Macromedia Flash Player is not installed, the software can fall back to GIF or JPEG graphics.

Design Process

The team behind SkinCalc has worked on numerous custom calculators which have been distributed by major corporations and government agencies, and which are used by millions of people. We work both with agencies and directly with clients.

We can deliver:

  • Turnkey solutions inclusive of final redistributable setup file, using either Windows Installer (MSI) or InstallShield technology
  • Technical implementation of calculator skin based on complete bitmaps or just examples (e.g. logo, web graphics and other existing artwork)
  • Software translated into any language of the world, including multilingual versions
  • Integration with Currency System technology to add an exchange rate data feed service to an existing web server.

In addition to the functionality made available via skins, the software options which can be customized include:

  • Default skin and ability to change skins.
  • Name of the software and of the executable file name.
  • Name and URL of the distribution entity (appears in About tab and when clicking on link in skin).
  • Initial welcome message, optionally displayed the first time the calculator is launched. This text can be in any language, even multi-language (based on Windows language).
  • No currency support, support for EMU-only currencies, or support for both EMU and non-EMU currencies. Support for non-EMU currencies requires additional Currency Server software on the server side.
  • Support for base conversion (DEC/BIN/OCT/HEX operating mode).
  • Presence of help tooltips on each calculator key.
  • Grouping and sort order of currencies.
  • Management of optional banner (position, size, data feed).

We will of course be happy to assist you with any special requirements you may have. Site, worldwide and redistribution licenses are available. Please feel free to contact us for a quote or for additional information.

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