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Currency Server Screenshots

The following is a selection of software screenshots.

When opening the same dialogs in the software, local context help is available for each function (press the "?" button in the dialog title).

Active Currencies are the currencies for which you are maintaining up-to-date exchange rates. When you use the software for the first time, the Populate button in the Active Currencies tab helps you set up an initial list of currencies.

Currency Server Manager - Active Currencies Tab

The list of All Currencies includes all currencies of the world. It is maintained manually, or via a Currency World Monitor feed, which is independent of exchange rates. When automatic updates are received (usually every few months), you are informed by means of a message (Notifications tab), then you can press one of the Reset buttons to apply new data.

Currency Server Manager - All Currenices Tab

Currency properties in different languages can be edited manually.

Currency Server Manager - Edit Currency Dialog - General Properties

Currency Server Manager - Edit Currency Dialog - Localized Properties

Locales can be edited too. Localized data may be requested by COM, Web service and scripting clients, and is provided as per these software settings.

Currency Server Manager - Locales Tab

Currency Server Manager - Edit Locale Dialog

Use the FX Feeds tab to select where to get exchange rate data for active currencies. The choice of available sources is the same in both the Standard Edition and the Enterprise Edition of the software. In the Enterprise Edition you can aggregate data from multiple sources simultaneously (to merge data, to cross-check it, or for failover purposes). 

Currency Server Manager - FX Feeds Tab

Applications that use the currency data are referred to as "clients". The Clients tab allows you to control client access functionality and post-update actions (write or upload file for clients that access file-based data, run script to export to SQL database, etc.)

Currency Server Manager - Clients Tab

Currency Server Manager - Post-Update Action Dialog

The Connection tab allows you to set internet access preferences, including proxy server authentication (with support for NT Challenge/Response, etc.)

Currency Server Manager - Connection Tab

Monitoring options allow you to control what should be considered "unusual". If the severity level for a filter is set to Error (opposed to Warning), administrators are not only notified of the anomaly, but also have to confirm the new data manually before it is accepted. The notifications issued by the software are usually self-explanatory, and looking up the name of the affected currency in Google News or the Currency System RSS feed often explains the reason of the anomaly (a major devaluation in a high-inflation economy, etc.)

Currency Server Manager - Monitoring Tab

Notifications are issued by Currency Server when triggered by a Monitoring filter. Emails can be sent either directly via SMTP, or by accessing a Windows Messaging profile. Logging may be used to retain currency data, and for debugging purposes (e.g. if developing a custom FX Feed filter). Notification messages are usually short enough to fit on an SMS.

Currency Server Manager - Notifications Tab


The Software tab indicates the number of licensed CPU cores (4 for the Standard Edition, unlimited for the Enterprise Edition), the available FX Feed option (one feed at a time, or multiple feeds), and provides one-click access to the Web service ASMX page (if installed), and allows for software registration and upgrades.

Currency Server Manager - Software Tab

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